Dear colleagues, On Monday and Tuesday, 26-27 September 2022, the final project conference Languages Matter – Using Languages to Respect Diversity, Benefit the Brain and Ensure Peace took place at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana and via Zoom. The conference brought together 150 authors with 125 papers, which were presented either as oral or […]
Spoštovani, v ponedeljek in torek, 26.-27. septembra 2022, je na Pedagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani in preko Zooma potekala zaključna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo Jeziki štejejo – Z jeziki do spoštovanja različnosti, koristi za možgane in zagotavljanja miru. Na konferenci je sodelovalo 150 avtorjev s 125 prispevki, ki so jih avtorji in avtorice predstavili bodisi v […]
Pozdravljeni, obveščamo vas, da smo objavili zbornik s povzetki predstavitev zaključne konference Jeziki štejejo, ki bo potekala 26.-27. septembra 2022. Dostopen je v elektronski obliki: Zbornik povzetkov Lepo vabljeni k ogledu! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear colleagues, we gladly inform you that the book of abstracts of the Languages Matter final conference (26th and 27th September 2022) has […]
26. in 27. september 2022 / 26th and 27th September 2022 Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta, Kardeljeva ploščad 16, 1000 Ljubljana / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Kardeljeva ploščad 16, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Plenarni predavatelji / Plenary Speakers Dr Li Wei, Director & Dean, IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, and […]
Prijava/Registration Vse slušatelje/slušateljice preko spleta naprošamo, da se na Zoom prijavite z imenom, priimkom ter nazivom institucije zaposlitve za lažjo izdajo potrdil o udeležbi. / We kindly ask all online participants to join Zoom with their name, surname and the name of your affiliation for attendance certificates. Zoom linke vezane na posamezne predavalnice najdete spodaj: […]
Dear Colleagues, We are getting back to you again regarding the Languages Matter 2022 final conference with some guidelines for planning oral presentations and poster presentations. For authors of oral presentations: – At the bottom of this post, you can find the slide with the project title and logos, which we kindly ask you to […]
Pozdravljeni, ponovno se vam oglašamo v zvezi z zaključno konferenco Jeziki štejejo 2022 z nekaj navodili za načrtovanje predstavitev in plakatov. Za avtorje predstavitev: – v priponki spodaj vam pošiljamo prosojnico z nazivom ter logotipi projekta, za katero vas bomo vljudno prosili, da jo vstavite na začetek svoje predstavitve za zaključno konferenco Jeziki štejejo. Čisto […]
Dear Colleagues, We are sharing with you a working version of the programme for the final conference of the Languages Matter project, which will take place from 26 to 27 September 2022. It is available here: LM2022_Conference program_draft version Please note that we reserve the right to make any subsequent changes to the programme. We […]
Dear Colleagues, We have now enabled access to the registration form for the 2022 final conference of the Languages Matter project. You can find the registration form on this link: Authors must also register for the conference and all participants must indicate whether they will participate in the conference in person at the Faculty […]
Spoštovani, obveščamo vas, da smo odprli prijave na zaključno konferenco projekta Jeziki štejejo 2022. Spletno prijavnico najdete na povezavi: Na konferenco se morajo obvezno prijaviti tudi avtorji, vsi udeleženci pa morajo tudi označiti, ali bi želeli sodelovati v živo v prostorih Pedagoške fakultete v Ljubljani ali preko spleta (ZOOM). Vljudno prosimo, da v spletni […]