Vljudno vabljeni, da si ogledate primer norveških spletnih strani, ki so namenjene večjezičnosti, medkulturnosti in integraciji priseljencev (deluje v okviru Pedagoške fakultete – Faculty of Education and International Studies at OsloMet (Oslo Metropolitan University). Vključenih je zelo veliko jezikov in primerov dobre prakse.
You can find information about the Centre for Multi-cultural Education (NAFO) and the online resources they offer for staff and families on the following website: http://nafo.oslomet.no/om-nafo/about-nafo/. The main platform is http://www.morsmal.no/no/, which is resource for video-based stories, learning the language with vocabulary, pictures, films, etc. Part of this, is eg. Bildetema, a multi-lingual (39 languages) picture dictionary: http://www.morsmal.no/no/bildetema-norsk, and you can also find multi-lingual stories: http://www.morsmal.no/no/flerspraklige-fortellinger-norsk
The NAFO is in charge of developing this platform and further material on multi-lingual and multi-cultural work in ECEC.
Taksonomije: Iskola és oktatás,