V kolikor bi želeli sodelovati v naslednjem ECML programu 2020-2023 Inspiring innovation in language education vljudno vabljeni, da se 12. 12. 2018 med 9.00 in 10.30 priključite ECML prenosu v živo na tej povezavi: www.ecml.at/livestream
Spodaj pa si lahko preberete še krajši opis programa v angleščini:
This short livestream will offer language professionals an insight into the European Centre for Modern Languages and the benefits of participating in its next programme of activities.
The Call for the new programme is due to be launched in January 2019 – with the successful projects to start the following year. This pre-Call event is the first opportunity to find out about into its themes. The resulting programme will be based on key priorities in language education as identified by the ECML’s 33 member states (compiled through an online survey of stakeholders).
The livestream will feature members of the Professional Network Forum (a network of international associations /organisations focusing on language education and assessment), current and former project coordinators, ECML consultants and members of the ECML Governing Board representing national authorities, each offering their perspective on current challenges in language education and how the ECML can address these through its next programme. The event, which is in English and French, will also provide an introduction into the Call for projects and outline the different possibilities for participating.
A chat will also be available to give viewers the opportunity to ask questions.