Vabljeni, da se udeležite spletne konference Sveta Evrope na temo Skupnega evropskega referenčnega okvirja za jezike (SEJO) in njegove uporabnosti na področju večjezičnosti (“The CEFR Companion Volume: A Key resource for Inclusive Plurilingual Education”).
Konferenca bo potekala v sredo, 16.12.2020, med 15. in 18. uro. Na konferenco se je potrebno prijaviti, in sicer preko naslednje povezave:
Spodaj posredujemo več podrobnosti o konferenci v angleščini, ki bo tudi jezik poteka konference.
This Council of Europe videoconference intends to draw attention to the full potential of the CEFR Companion volume in the field of education, and in particular:
– familiarise the Steering Committee for Education Policy and Practice (CDPPE) and other decision-makers in the field of education with the CEFR Companion volume;
– highlight the link between the CEFR Companion volume and the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) and the possible synergies between the two frameworks, etc.
– familiarise the Steering Committee for Education Policy and Practice (CDPPE) and other decision-makers in the field of education with the CEFR Companion volume;
– highlight the link between the CEFR Companion volume and the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) and the possible synergies between the two frameworks, etc.
The following topics will be addressed at the videoconference:
– CEFR Companion Volume for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
– Mediation
– Online communication
– Plurilingual and pluricultural competence
– CEFR Companion Volume for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
– Mediation
– Online communication
– Plurilingual and pluricultural competence
The videoconference will also present some Council of Europe projects implemented or co-ordinated by the Education Policy Division and the European Centre for Modern Languages.
The videoconference will be held live on 16 December 2020 between 15.00 and 18.00 (CET) and will also be broadcast the following morning between 9.00 and 12.00 (CET). The event is for registered participants only.