Vabljeni, da se letos v začetku poletja udeležite mednarodne brezplačne konference na temo raziskav in inovacij pod vodstvom študentov.
Konferenca bo potekala od 2. do 4. junija preko spleta, izvajali pa jo bodo študentje ter profesorji s treh vodilnih univerz iz Anglije in Malezije (Lancaster University, Sunway University ter National University of Malaysia). Študentje bodo izvedli 24 deset-minutnih predstavitev s področij raziskovalnih idej, metod in izsledkov, profesorji pa bodo organizirali po dve enourni predavanji na dan, s področij različnih tematik, med drugim tudi s področja večjezičnosti.
Na tej povezavi si lahko ogledate podroben program dogodka, tule pa kliknite za obrazec za registracijo. Pod črto posredujemo še sporočilo organizatorice, dr. Oksane Afitske, članice mednarodnega društva TESOL, v katerem najdete več podrobnosti o dogodku.
This summer, together with colleagues from Sociology and Educational Research departments and our counterparts from two Malaysian Universities, I am organising an international conference for Masters and PhD students. The conference will be held online and will be free to attend for everyone. I was wondering if you would mind spreading a word about our event to your postgraduate students so that those of them who are interested in attending it could join us. Many thanks for your help! The advert is below and the flyer is attached.
International Conference on Student-led Research & Innovation (Online/Free) 2-4th June 2021
Join us for an inspiring postgraduate conference led by ambitious students from leading universities in England and Malaysia: Lancaster University, Sunway University and National University of Malaysia. Learn about research ideas, design methods and findings from 24 mini-presentations delivered by our international students. Each presentation will last 10 minutes. At the end of each session you will have 5 minutes to ask presenters any questions you may have. There are three strands within the conference with two 1-hour long keynote speeches delivered by members of academic staff in each. Feel free to join any strand that is relevant to you, or attend them all!
The conference is free to attend and will be held online.
Visit our website ICRI-HASS Conference to learn more about the conference’s programme, keynote speakers and to book your place.