Accessible summaries
OASIS summaries are one-page descriptions of research articles on language learning, language teaching, and multilingualism that have been published in peer-reviewed journals listed on the Social Science Citation Index. The summaries provide information about the study’s goals, how it was conducted, and what was found, and are written in non-technical language. Where relevant, they also highlight findings that may be of particular interest to language educators, although the initiative is not solely aimed at research with immediate practical implications. The summaries are generally approved, and often (co-)written, by the author(s) of the original journal article.
Why accessible summaries
OASIS aims to make research into language learning and teaching openly available and easily accessible to anyone who might be interested for professional or other reasons, because 1) research shows these findings do not reach stakeholders easily; and 2) research shows that academic publications are increasingly more difficult to read and understand for people outside the field. By establishing a culture of systematic production and dissemination of non-technical, open summaries, research is made available and accessible not only physically, but also conceptually to people outside academia.