Evropski center za moderne jezike vas vabi, da se udeležite webinarja na temo “Towards a common resource for language-related teacher competences?”
Webinar se bo odvijal v sredo, 27. februarja, med 16:00-17:30.
Ciljna publika: izobraževalci učiteljev, učitelji jezikov ali nejezikovnih predmetov, oblikovalci politik, pisci učnih načrtov, vodstveni delavci izobraževalnih institucij. Webinar bo potekal v angleščini in francoščini.
Prijava (registracija se zapre 26. febraurja)
Opis (v angleščini):
This webinar will present the preliminary results of the project Towards a Common European Framework of Reference for Language Teachers (a project of the European Centre of Modern Languages): www.ecml.at/CEFRlanguageteachers.
In the webinar, the coordinator Lukas Bleichenbacher and the project team will present their approach to the project’s key questions, including the following:
• What need is there for a future resource that describes the competences of language teachers and the language-related competences necessary for teaching other subjects?
• Is it feasible to propose a model with common competences for all teachers, and specific adaptations for different kinds of teachers?
• In what ways could the development of such a resource be of concrete value for teacher education and professional development?
In the webinar, participants will also be introduced to the online guide to many existing instruments that describe teacher competences. The project team will be happy to react directly to participants’ comments and questions.
Those intending to participate in the webinar and others who are interested in the work of the project are also invited to complete a short online survey on the questions that will be discussed, which is available at https://ww2.unipark.de/uc/IFDS/41c5/