In October, the Languages Matter project will continue with the series of weekly discussions on pluri-/multilingualism.
As usual, the weekly discussions will take place via Zoom every Tuesday, at 6 pm CET. During these discussions you will be able to listen to the world’s finest experts in the fields of language teaching and pluri-/multilingualism and engage with them in short discussions on diverse pluri-/multilingualism-related topics.
The first in the series of October weekly discussions will be held on Tuesday, 5 October at 6 pm (CET). In the discussion, you will be able to hear a talk given by Dr Alja Lipavic Oštir, full professor at the University of Maribor and UCM in Trnava, with the title »…kateregakoli jezika se učiš, v njem najdeš lepoto«: Gimnazijke in gimnazijci iz Slovenije ter njihov odnos do jezikov (“…whichever language you learn, you can find beauty in it”: High school students from Slovenia and their attitude towards languages).
We also announce with great pleasure that our second discussion, on 12 October 2021, will be held by Dr Ellen Bialystok, distinguished research professor at York University. Dr. Bialystok is a renowned lecturer, psychologist and cognitive neuroscientist who has been studying the effects of bilingualism on children’s development for more than 40 years. Her discussion will concern the topic with the title Developing Languages in Bilingual Education.
On 19 October 2021 we will have the opportunity to listen to Dr Tina Čok from the University of Primorska, whose presentation title is Jeziki so kalejdoskop — zakaj učenje kitajščine širi naš konceptualni svet (Languages are a kaleidoscope — why learning Chinese broadens our conceptual world).
The last discussion of the month will be carried out on 26 October 2021 by Dr Tom Priestly, Professor Emeritus at the University of Alberta, who will present two topics: A Polyglot’s Dilemma: Was My Multilingual Competence a ‘Divine Gift’? and Glimpses into Multilingual Life in an Alpine Village.
The weekly discussions will be carried out in 2 parts: in the first 45–60 minutes, the expert guest speaker will give his/her talk, and then we will allow for a 20–30-minute Q&A session, during which the spectators will be able to ask their questions and, in this way, engage in a short discussion with the speaker. The talks and the presentations will be in Slovene and/or English, but other languages will be present and encouraged, too (especially in the second part).
The Zoom link will remain the same for all weekly discussions:
Meeting ID: 998 9532 8463
Below you can find a summary of our October presenters, the titles of their talks and the languages of their talks:
- 5/10/2021, Dr Alja Lipavic Oštir: »…kateregakoli jezika se učiš, v njem najdeš lepoto«: Gimnazijke in gimnazijci iz Slovenije ter njihov odnos do jezikov / “…whichever language you learn, you can find beauty in it”: High school students from Slovenia and their attitude towards languages (Slovenian)
- 12/10/2021, Dr Ellen Bialystok: Developing Languages in Bilingual Education (English)
- 19/10/2021, Dr Tina Čok: Jeziki so kalejdoskop — zakaj učenje kitajščine širi naš konceptualni svet (Slovenian)
- 26/10/2021, Dr Tom Priestly: A Polyglot’s Dilemma: Was My Multilingual Competence a ‘Divine Gift’? and Glimpses into Multilingual Life in an Alpine Village (English)